Sanctum tor bridge eso
Sanctum tor bridge eso

* As we all know, Telara’s universe is comprised of a myriad of planes and realities that all intersect with each other and with Telara at seemingly random angles and times. * You may now purchase a 5th role at your Calling trainer!

sanctum tor bridge eso

* New clothier NPCs have appeared in Meridian and Sanctum following the rise in numbers of fashionable Ascended. * You now receive an alert message when reaching a currency cap on your character (ex: Planarite). * Reduced Auction House deposit prices by about 25%. * For quests requiring you to kill level-appropriate targets, tooltips for mobs of too low level will no longer indicate that they will count for the quest. * Characters can no longer accumulate multiple daily quests from the same ‘group’ in their quest journals. * ‘Discover’ quest objectives will no longer increment while a character is dead. * Markers for completed quests will now always appear on the main map regardless of whether they are currently being tracked in quest stickies. * Artifacts for the Guardian version of the introduction quest for artifact hunting no longer have a sell value. We’ll be keeping an eye on this through future updates to see if the rates need another boost. * To make Artifact set collecting more fun for more Artifact hunters, rarity rates have been tuned to be less extreme between common and rare Artifacts.

sanctum tor bridge eso

* Those who managed to sneak behind enemy lines and complete the introductory artifact collections inside Meridian or Sanctum now have a special reward coming their way!

sanctum tor bridge eso

PLEASE NOTE: Patch notes for the PTS represent work in progress and are subject to change prior to any patches reaching live shards.

Sanctum tor bridge eso